Sunday, March 15, 2009

The spoils of public schools...

This is a bridge that Tate had to engineer and build at school. I think the class was industrial tech, it's an elective. I think it was either that or choir. Typing is not even a class. However, they do teach them how do make a spreadsheet. What the heck? I took typing in Jr. High. Anyway, they built a bridge and had a contest to see how much weight they could hold.

Tate's bridge came in second holding 95 lbs. The winner's bridge held 97 lbs. I thought Tate's was pretty impressive. The world always needs another engineer, right Tate? He loves that stuff, but he still doesn't know how to type correctly.


sherry said...

I think 95 pounds on that little thing is pretty impressive! That is like, a twelve year old. Your little bridge could hold a twelve year old. Way togo Tate!

Brooke and Aaron said...

Oh man. I remember making a bridge. Mine only held a handful of bricks. Tate rocks!

Wendy said...

Some day, when he's on the beach and trying to impress some girl he can pull out his bridge building skills. I am sure that these things will come in handy someday! Hee Hee!

Unknown said...

seriously blog already...